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Waffendetails für 'Mosin Nagant Rifle 91 + Scope'
Mosin Nagant Rifle 91 + Scope

Model 1891/30 (винтовка образца 1891/30-го года, винтовка Мосина) – the most prolific version of the Mosin-Nagant. It was produced for standard issue to all Soviet infantry from 1930 to 1945. Most Dragoon rifles were also converted to the M1891/30 standard. It was commonly used as a sniper rifle in World War II. Early sniper versions had a 4x PE or PEM scope, a Soviet-made copy of a Zeiss design, while later rifles used smaller, simpler, and easier-to-produce 3.5x PU scopes. Because the scope was mounted above the chamber, the bolt handle was replaced with a longer, turned version on sniper rifles. Its design was based on the Dragoon rifle with the following modifications:
  • Flat rear sights and restamping of sights in metres, instead of arshinii.
  • A cylindrical receiver, replacing the octagonal (commonly called "hex") one. Early production rifles (from 1930 to 1936) and converted Dragoon rifles retain the "hex" receiver.
  • A hooded post front sight, replacing the blade on previous weapons.
Waffen Kategorie: Rifles Folge dem Link um mehr Informationen zu erhalten:  
Im Spiel Waffenname: mosinrifle_scoped_mp  
50 Spieler mit den meisten Kills
Pages:    -> 1 <-  2   
Nr. Name Kills Tode
1 [>SN<]royalchese 54   100 
2 NTfL-BLADE 52   96 
3 [ITA]-D_M- 43   79 
4 Freakhellrai 29   53 
5 LordKK 24   44 
6 [++]UkSniperDaz 20   37 
7 FrozenFlame 19   35 
8 SilentGrave 13   24 
9 kondziOv 10   18 
10 noppa 8   14 
11 Black--Hawk 8   14 
12 Apoolon 8   14 
13 BlurPP 8   14 
14 [>SN<]Ss-RAMBO 6   11 
15 RB---RUS 6   11 
16 shokokeks 5   9 
17 -zeep- 5   9 
18 JackWiebers 5   9 
19 -SimoHayha- 5   9 
20 [UF]rafalk92 5   9 
21 Krigath 5   9 
22 SanDiii 4   7 
23 [DSL]Ku7uzoV 4   7 
24 TALIBANN 4   7 
25 Aapelllin 4   7 
26 Holly90 4   7 
27 InfernoPL 3   5 
28 Givet 3   5 
29 Micci31 3   5 
30 MAY- 3   5 
31 Poplo 3   5 
32 [EASY]KingTheBest 3   5 
33 gfdgg 2   3 
34 [MUP]Dragonforces 2   3 
35 GoGa3 2   3 
36 TonyelMahony 2   3 
37 Alegun 2   3 
38 -Sekas- 2   3 
39 Fuutun 2   3 
40 OG4Life 1   1 
41 -Garrett- 1   1 
42 i-lol 1   1 
43 [RUS]swatxxl 1   1 
44 GUS24USSR 1   1 
45 [SoA]Sticken 1   1 
46 Numero0tto 1   1 
47 ZAXUZ 1   1 
48 [BIG]Mr_German 1   1 
49 [=RF=]KGS1990 1   1 
50 KoTlEt123 1   1 

50 am häufigsten getötet mit dieser Waffe
Pages:    -> 1 <-  2  3  4  5   
Nr. Name Kills Tode
1 [GST]Herr_Anton 9   100 
2 [RUS]Killerrrr 8   88 
3 [DSL]Ku7uzoV 8   88 
4 lopez111_PL 8   88 
5 [NBS]LaNiaque 7   77 
6 Fuutun 6   66 
7 Warhell 6   66 
8 [>SN<]Fantomas76 5   55 
9 Ecksenkind 5   55 
10 kalb 5   55 
11 [>SN<]The-WolfGang 5   55 
12 [cze]jELDA 5   55 
13 [BIG]Mr_German 5   55 
14 sorpion 5   55 
15 GAAD_232 4   44 
16 GoGa3 4   44 
17 [>SN<]X-Sniiper-X 4   44 
18 ViolatoR_PL 4   44 
19 [>SN<]-Colbys92- 4   44 
20 [NBS]thething 4   44 
21 snajperek-pl 4   44 
22 [RUS]Iskander939 3   33 
23 ZooYorkDC 3   33 
24 gsm380 3   33 
25 [ARG]StgHartman 3   33 
26 [<PL>]StarvnMarvin 3   33 
27 [GER]Endstufe 3   33 
28 Blubb3rb3rnd 3   33 
29 Divinorium 3   33 
30 [++]UkSniperDaz 3   33 
31 [_<3_]Eberl_ 3   33 
32 theAWER 3   33 
33 Mayev 3   33 
34 Solid_Shake 3   33 
35 szoti 3   33 
36 Thomasoldier 3   33 
37 Dead_Calm 3   33 
38 [TR]MosinErkan 3   33 
39 [TsK]Matarratas7 3   33 
40 [UF]_HubaL_ 3   33 
41 [NBS]Interfanatic 3   33 
42 vitoek82 3   33 
43 ALERSHKA 2   22 
44 DocSchimpf 2   22 
45 [rus]3702525 2   22 
46 [CZE]jonh_cena 2   22 
47 shokokeks 2   22 
48 Dragje 2   22 
49 SkullZx 2   22 
50 WoPsS 2   22 

Created 2005-2008 - By deltaray  Support Forums |  Ultrastats Version 0.3.15  Sponsors: CallOfDuty: World at War was made by Treyarch and published by Activision  
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