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Waffendetails für 'Double-barreled shotgun + Grip'
Double-barreled shotgun + Grip


Double-barreled shotguns, often known as doubles, are almost universally break open actions, with the barrels tilting up at the rear to expose the breech ends of the barrels for unloading and reloading. Since there is no reciprocating action needed to eject and reload the shells, doubles are more compact than repeating designs such as pump action or semi-automatic shotguns.

Waffen Kategorie: Schrotflinte Folge dem Link um mehr Informationen zu erhalten:  
Im Spiel Waffenname: doublebarreledshotgun_grip_mp  
50 Spieler mit den meisten Kills
Nr. Name Kills Tode
1 F_B_ADMIRAL 7   100 
2 DiiStUrTiioN 5   71 
3 Paytrok 4   57 
4 OnlyGangster 3   42 
5 _-basti-_ 1   14 

50 am häufigsten getötet mit dieser Waffe
Nr. Name Kills Tode
1 Multitalent 4   100 
2 vytrak 2   50 
3 samim-TR 1   25 
4 Malvin-1337 1   25 
5 TropenToni 1   25 
6 [GST]__Gangster__ 1   25 
7 IneXTremiS 1   25 
8 Gargs 1   25 
9 FINNSS-puska 1   25 
10 [ LT ]Juozis 1   25 
11 [IWGa]tambour62 1   25 
12 G-rex 1   25 
13 Henker-Ger 1   25 
14 Solid_Shake 1   25 
15 eugeisaev 1   25 
16 pelocska-17 1   25 

Created 2005-2008 - By deltaray  Support Forums |  Ultrastats Version 0.3.15  Sponsors: CallOfDuty: World at War was made by Treyarch and published by Activision  
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